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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Final Results of the 24 Day Challenge

Well we finished our 24 Day Challenge, actually we finished Wednesday but it's been so crazy around here that I haven't had time to post our results. Let me just say that we are very excited! Not only have we lost pounds and inches, but we have gained a healthy respect for our bodies and are being much more careful about what we put into them.
Here are a couple of experiences that have really shown us the difference that the Advocare products and a healthy lifestyle will get you.
#1 Last Saturday we went to the lake with several of our friends and all of our children. (8 adults, 11 kids) Our wonderful hosts had laid out quite a spread. Thanks Kelley! After playing in the water for several hours Josh was very hungry, so he over-indulged a bit. He sampled several dips, tackled 2 hot dogs, and threw back a couple of Diet Mountain Dews. By the time we got home that night he was nauseous and remorseful. A month ago this would have had no effect on either one of us, but after you've given your body all of this "good stuff" filling it with junk will throw you into a tailspin. The next morning Josh told me he had a "food hangover". It made us realize that we don't want our bodies to just accept those foods without any repercussions. Of course you can have anything in moderation, but why not just fuel your body the right way to start with.

#2 WARNING!!! This one deals with female stuff, so consider yourself warned.
Usually I have to stay loaded up on Tylenol, Midol, and whatever else I can get my hands on. This month was great! No meds needed at all and I wasn't a total bear to live with! I'm not going to go into great detail here, but ladies if you want any more info on this subject matter feel free to give me call or send me an email.

Josh lost a total of 11 inches and 9.6 pounds.
I lost a total of 12 1/4 inches and 7.6 pounds.

Let me know if you'd like to start your own 24 DAY CHALLENGE. I would love to help you get a jump start on a healthier, slimmer lifestyle!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Better late than never

So I slacked on keeping the blog updated. Sorry! We've been very busy and I let it slide. We have been sticking to the challenge though and it has been surprisingly easy. I would definitely recommend having a partner for this. An accountability partner helps so much. Tomorrow we will start the last week of the challenge. We both weighed and measured Saturday morning. Josh was down 7.8 lbs and 9 1/4 inches. I had lost 7 lbs and 10 1/2 inches. We are seeing more results in the inches than pounds, which is really ok since it's the inches that make a difference in clothing!
As far as the food goes, we still haven't bought chips or had fries. We are eating carrot sticks, sweet potatoes and steamed veggies with our sandwiches. I know opening a bag of chips is easier and subbing a side salad is more expensive than just getting fries with that grilled chicken sandwich, but it pays off in the long run. We are feeling so much better and our children are reaping the benefits as well.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 7

Three days left! Woohoo!!! Strange thing is, I don't really see us changing our diets that much. We both feel so much better. It's a great feeling knowing that you are fueling your body the right way.
We had dinner at a friend's house tonight. They grilled chicken and squash with fresh kiwi, watermelon and apple slices. They also made a bow tie pasta with strawberries. Although we didn't have any of the pasta, the girls did and they loved it! Two weeks ago I would not have thought that I would be full, much less satisfied by a meal with no bread or that didn't completely cover my plate. One thing that this cleanse has definitely helped with is portion control and our attitude towards food.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Good Morning!

So Josh and I took our measurements and weighed this morning. Since we are halfway through the cleanse we thought it would be a good time. We are so excited!!!
Josh is down 6.8 pounds and 8 inches.
I am down 7 pounds and 9 inches.
Of course our progress will slow down, but this has definitely gotten me over a weight loss plateau. The last 14 days of the 24 Day Challenge will help to keep this weight loss permanent by giving us more time to change our eating habits and cravings.

*FYI and possibly TMI*
Several people have asked and I have failed to mention it in the blog, but this cleanse does NOT mess with your stomach. It's unlike other cleanses in that aspect.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Days #4 and #5

Day 4 was VERY busy! Worked out, let the kids swim at the aquatic center and then Sophie had a play date at the house. Once again, the most difficult part of the cleanse is preparing the food. The actual cooking is not difficult, but I feel like I am spending several hours a day washing, peeling, slicing, dicing and chopping. The kids are loving all the fruit in the house. We usually only have strawberries and apples. They don't know what to do with a fruit store in the kitchen!
Day 5 is shaping up to be another great day. I've dropped 6.2 lbs in all. Josh and I are going out tonight. A.J.'s for dinner (grilled chicken, brown rice and broccoli) and then to the movies!
Tomorrow I'm taking Sophie and Livi to a birthday party and then we are going to the lake to celebrte our cousin Jordan's 14th birthday. There will be lots of temptation but I'll be prepared. I will be taking along tuna, nuts, hard-boiled eggs and plenty of fruit! I think I'll just carry a gallon of water with with me. It will be easier than packing up all those water bottles.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day #3

So far so good! Today was our last day to take the fiber drink for a few days. It's really not that bad. I could definitely drink it everyday if I had to (but I'm glad I don't). I really enjoyed our food today. Lunch for me was tuna and 2 hard boiled eggs, something I would have eaten anyway. Dinner was Salmon, asparagus, boiled cabbage, and brown rice. I've dropped 3 lbs. so far and I can already tell a big difference in my clothes. It's definitely worth going without bread and dairy for a while!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So here they are. The much dreaded, long-awaited, and soon to be decreasing measurements.

Right Arm- 12"
Shoulders- 40"
Chest- 35.5"
Waist- 30"
Hips- 41"
Right Thigh- 25"
Right Calf- 15.25"
TOTAL= 198.75"

Right Arm- 15"
Shoulders- 46.5"
Chest- 40"
Waist- 36"
Hips- 39"
Right Thigh- 24"
Right Calf- 16.5"
TOTAL= 217"